Yesterday I mailed my Virginia absentee ballot, casting my vote for U.S. Senate, for U.S. House of Representatives, and on a couple of referendum questions. I had hoped to vote for myself but that didn't work out.
I'm voting absentee this year because I decided to stay involved in the political process and serve as an Election Officer. As they say, "the hours are long and the pay is low" (still better than minimum wage). But it's a chance to make a contribution to a working democracy while helping your community.
One grumble I have with the current law in the Commonwealth is that – as an independent – I cannot serve as a Chief or Assistant Chief Election Officer. And, according to the Code of Virginia, "no more than one-third of the total number of officers appointed for each precinct may be citizens who do not represent any political party." Really? I guess that guarantees relevance for the major parties.
Alright – let me get back on track. As the title of this post says: there is no perfect candidate. No single person holds the same view as I on every issue. And I'll admit that I'm imperfect too: I don't claim to know every issue, solution, or permutation inside and out. Omniscience is one of my failings; anyone with a grain of humble would admit the same.
Now I'm not gonna tell you how I voted. For Senate and House I chose someone I felt could do the job. I chose intellect and presence, tenacity and humility. Though I may not always agree with the views of these two candidates, I believe they are honest, prudent, and decent. They'll make mistakes, but I trust they'll own up to those mistakes.