Former political party guy Brian Shoeneman tweeted this morning:
When I prompted him for recommendations Mr. Shoeneman replied: "I honestly don’t know how to fix it." Grace and wisdom in one short sentence.Roy Moore refusing to accept that he lost is yet another symptom of the problem pervading politics today. People have lost the ability to accept facts they wish were not true. Everything is fake news, lies, fraud, corruption if you don't happen to like it. We've got to fix this.— Brian W. Schoeneman (@BrianSchoeneman) December 14, 2017
And I won't be presumptuous (or foolish) enough to offer fixes either. But as an independent and outsider, denouncing the proposition of winning an election and defeating an opponent at all cost is a start.
There are good people in both major parties. But many other good people have been sidelined, marginalized, and alienated by the thrill and prospect of partisan victory. Without the agony of lost principles and code of conduct, the parties become chaos. Pervasive pain must extend beyond too few votes; it must include diminished humanity and humility.
If my words here are too philosophical, let's look at politics as a business. As an independent, I am my own brand: I put myself out there with no cushion, with only my self to blame for failure and only supporters to lean on for success. Political parties are also brands, and they have done too little to hone and protect their brands. Corporations do not do everything their stockholders want them to do; they are not democracies. And while my outsider's view may not be couched in reality, parties and party leaders need to lead – not just succumb to populist whims for the sake of winning.
So grant our leaders courage to lead, wisdom to listen, and serenity when saying "no".